[center]☆nicolao&fenrir&kakeru☆ " He hasn't woken up yet," Nico said, his gaze trained on the unconscious blonde in the cell and Fenrir hummed from behind him. He knew the extent of Kakeru's spells and didn't expect their blond captive to wake up any time soon. What confused him though, was why they took him in the first place. " Did Kakeru say why he brought this vampire onto my ship? I thought the two we captured last time was enough." Nico shrugged and was about to answer, when another voice cut in. " He's the first mate of that ship." Kakeru supplied as he walked into the room, having left Remus to be alone with his brother. " That means that he's important to them, and since our plan to raid their supplies resulted in failure, I thought using him as a bargaining chip would be much more resourceful." ☆videl☆ He hadn't even felt the pain in his shoulder until Nemesis pointed it out, but it had already reduced to a dull pain. " Ah, gracias, but I assure you it looks worse then it really is." But he thankfully accepted her help. ☆mariemaia☆ " Eh....." Mariemaia wished that she had some good news for them, looking at their hopeful eyes with guilt, but she didn't. " Jecht asked me to look for him but I haven't seen him anywhere..." She gulped. " I haven't searched the whole ship yet, so maybe h-- " " No, they took him." Videl said solemnly, hanging his head, " I saw them take him and when I tried to stop them, they hit me with some kind of magic spell!" He tightened his fist, his teeth grinding. " If only I had been strong enough! I could have stopped them!" His anger fizzled out quickly and was replaced with fear when he realized that one of them was going to have to tell Jecht. " Me neither!" He jumped in after Cepheus. " I've fought many beasts in my time, but the Captain is the worst I've seen!" ☆protettore☆ Protettore shook his head, rubbing his snot deeper into Cepheus' shirt. " M-my pants were burnt," He mumbled, pulling away from the grim to look down at his ruined pants. His skin was a little red from the exposure to the flames but other than that, he wasn't hurt. He continued to cling to Cepheus as the others tried to sort out their problem, fearful that they would force him to do it. " P-p-please don't make me do it..," He begged Cepheus quietly, not wanting to face Jecht's anger.[/center]