[center] Dromena Fantine trailed behind Kakeru as she walked into the room, listening to the men speak about the hostage they had taken. "I agree with his reasoning," interjected the first mate, "And using that vampire can help you retrieve the dragon sphere from that ship as well, Captain." Nemesis & Charlie & Cepheus "So...he really is taken, then?"asked Nemesis with a frown, finishing up her healing of Videl's wound, "I hope Trixxtal is alright..." Charlie sighed and closed his eyes. "He is probably really hurt, considering the state of this room and the fact that Videl was stopped..." he said solemnly, but quieting down once Videl began to explain what happened. Charlie just continued to look gloomy off on the side. "I'm really sorry but...I would rather not be the one to tell him either...I would probably start crying, which would make the captain angrier."he explained before sitting onto the floor and curling into a ball. "He's scariest when he is angry...and I saw how mad he got at that werewolf captain, especially after he mentioned a wizard, and Videl said Trixxtal was taken because of a magic spell...and um, I don't want to get burnt by his lightning..." Cepheus nodded his head. "Oh yeah, he's definitely terrifying. If I deliver the news he'll probably lose his mind, then drain me of all my blood and throw me overboard out of anger."he agreed with Videl and Charlie, shivering slightly at the thought of his death, "I'm not looking forward to an early grave, I've had already been to hell once and I do not want to go back there anytime soon, no thank you." When Protettore began begging him not to force him to be the bearer of bad news, Cepheus quickly jumped in for the little vampire's sake. After that ridiculous stunt with "teaching" him how to swim, Cepheus felt he was the only one left on the ship good enough to watch over the kid now that Trixxtal was gone. "Ahahaha, of course you don't have to do it either! Isn't that right, everyone?"he stated, looking each vampire in the eye and letting them know that the exact chance of Protettore doing the deed was zero. Nemesis huffed at the males and crossed her arms. "All of you men are cowards! I'm afraid of his wrath too but...Where is your bravery?! Why don't we tell him together?" "I would rather not..."mumbled Charlie, still lying on the floor looking depressed and defeated. "Yeah, what Charlie said."jumped in Cepheus, holding Protettore protectively. Nemesis threw up her hands in exasperation. "You are all ridiculous! Are you really going to throw me and Mariemaia under the boat?! Argh, I can understand the kid being excused, but come on! We are the crew of the FlyingDeath. The most feared ship on the entire ocean! We ride this boat together and we die together. Crewmates for life! We're all in this together."she continued preaching to try to inspire them, but Cepheus just chuckled. "Oh Nemesis, I'm not some crazy wildcat like you! I'm a dog with his tail tucked between his legs because I know I'll be in trouble with my master."he laughed nervously, "In fact, I am going to go find Protettore some new pants so we are too busy with this important task to speak with Jecht. It could take a long time. Hours, even." [/center]