[center] ☆fenrir☆ Although he still wasn't sure if having the vampire on the ship was a good idea, Fenrir had no plans about throwing him overboard just yet. Like Kakeru said, he could prove himself useful in the future if things go wrong with the other two vampires they captured. It was always nice to have a backup plan afterall. Checking that the chains around the vampire's wrists were secure, Fenrir stepped closer and began to dig through the pirate's pockets. There was always a chance that there was some gold in there, or something of value, and Fenrir was willing to touch a disgusting vampire to get it. But one after the other, the blonde's pockets turned out empty and Fenrir heaved a sigh. He should have figured that he managed to capture the only pirate in the seven seas who didn't have gold on them. But not all was lost when Fenrir brushed his hands across his chest and felt a small tick. It was strange, since vmapires were known not to have heartbeats or anything of the sort, so he investigated further. Dipping his fingers in the breastpocket of the pirate's vest, Fenrir pulled out a beaten up old pocketwatch. It was hardly anything of value and he would be lucky if he even managed to find someone willing to buy it, but then again, he had always needed a watch to keep track of the time. He tucked the watch into his pants pockets and straightened up, fixing his clothes before heading up to the deck. The vampire was due to wake up at any moment and he thought about sending Little Reggie to go feed him some of their packaged blood. ☆mariemaia☆ After receiving Jecht's permission to enter his chambers, Mariemaia opened the door and slipped inside, debating on whether to break the news to him slowly, or short and sweet so he could go back to resting as soon as possible. But one look at Jecht made her decision easier to make. The poor Captain looked [i]terrible[/i]. More rest was certainly what was needed, and she had half the mind to just turn back and leave him so he could sleep, but when he asked her what she was doing in his room, she froze. She hadn't noticed it until now, but Jecht was lying shirtless in bed, his shirt thrown carelessly on the floor. Bandages still covered his body, which she assumed, but she could still see the tips of his bare shoulders from under the blanket. Suddenly flushed by the realization, Mariemaia pushed her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. She felt guilty that she was having such emotions when she was originally sent here to deliver bad news, but she couldn't help it. The mere fact that Jecht trusted her enough to allow her inside his chambers during a time when he was so vulnerable made her weak in the knees. But when Jecht asked her again why she was there, she was reminded of her task and kicked all those feelings to the side for now, focused on delivering the news the best she could. Carefully, after picking up Jecht's disregarded shirt off the floor, Mariemaia approached his bed and sat down on the chair next to it. She kept the shirt in her hands, incase Jecht wanted to put it back on (and it gave her something to fiddle with), and took a deep breath, unsure how Jecht would react to the news she was about to tell him. " Well..." She started hesitantly, averting her gaze away from his bare shoulders to his face instead, " The rest of the crew seem to be doing fine. There were some injuries, but nothing life threatening...And we successfully defended the supplies from those pirates. Lil' Tori's pants were horribly burnt in the battle though, so Cepheus is finding him some new ones..." She was definitely beating around the bush now, coming up with anything and everything to say other than the fact that Trixxtal was missing. But she couldn't stall forever and she needed to do what she was sent there to do, no matter how much it was going to hurt afterwards! Taking a sudden deep breath, she quickly exhaled everything she needed to say, " Trixxtal is gone; they took him!" Now, she and everyone else on the ship silently waited for the fallout. [/center]