[b]Saturday, 23:58 PM[/b] James moved quickly, staying close to the wall as he moved through the dark street. Given that most of them were highly qualified medics, his colleagues had a strong fondness for alcohol and although he hadn't touched a single drop for years he still stuck around into the darkest hours with them, a decision he was now starting to regret due to someone apparently making a very poor decision with street lighting. He'd been practising with his newfound ability, which gave him some confidence but he was still cautious as to the chance of someone figuring out that he had something beyond strong lungs. As he walked forwards, taking his hands out of his pockets, he saw something moving quickly in the dark, seeming to go into an alley in front of him. He wasn't sure that anyone was there but to be careful he quickly ran across the road and started walking down the sidewalk opposite. As he passed adjacent to the alley, he heard some kind of odd noise and something seemed to narrowly miss his head. He looked in the direction of the alley, took a deep breath and screamed while activating his power, a great burst of sound emitting from him as he covered his ears with his hands and then started running. He saw another mysterious shape pass and headed down an alley to the side. When he reached a wire fence he turned and saw the clear outline of someone approaching. He turned and screamed again before starting to climb the fence but he fell down and hit the ground as something embedded itself in his neck.