Sophia had been addressing robots for a large part of her life, even her part time job at a retail appliance store back in Metaorbis was mostly staffed by humanoid bots, but this one was incredible. His eyes seemed so alive, and the way he moved was so fluid and.. well.. human. "I am Sophia.. Just call me that. Don't call me master or anything." Sophia felt awkward, she hadn't been expecting her Aunt to be staffed with a robot so advanced. "Ok, well my Aunt left me this place. I just want to look around and then go to bed. I am very tired.." She gestured to her bags, "Can you show me the house?". [i]I shouldn't feel bad for ordering him around, after all, he is my robot now, and thats what you're supposed to do.[/i] Sophia frowned, unable to help but feel bossy. [i]I'd better ask him to clean up as well.. This place needs a good sweep up."[/i]