Emily was surprised to hear someone ask about how she was. Although usually at her old school people would have swarmed over her asking if she was ok, and a senior from the football team would have probably carried her off, she hadn't expected anyone to care. To be honestly, she probably wouldn't care about any of these girls either. Emily looked at the girl, she was short and was practically drowning in her sweater, it hung loose and gaping over her hips like a tent. Emily looked away, and continued walking, falling into step with the girl as they walked together towards the information office. "Uh, yeah I'm fine. Haha, Hellside, I like it." The silence was awkward and they both walked, "I'm Emily by the way, are all the girls here so... Bitchy?" She gestured to the small groups of preppy girls that had laughed at her. Emily smiled and tried to look friendly, but as she walked towards the office she watched the other girls sizing her up and then looking away, apparently bored. She felt her smile slip a bit. Being new was foreign to her, and in a school of all girls her short skirt wasn't going to get her anywhere.