Emily smiled, thankful she wasn't the only new girl, and maybe she would at least have someone to sit with at lunch today. Emily ran her fingers through her hair, twisting the strands around her fingers and she walked. She was glad Bonnie seemed talkative, it was better than walking in silence. Emily tried to look happier at the thought of making new friends, but in reality she just felt mad. Mad at her mum, mad at the school, mad at herself for getting caught with Jason in the family living room. Taking a deep breath, Emily decided that if she was going to be spending everyday here she might as well make one friend. Even if this girl did seem a little bit nerdy. "Bonnie - thats a really pretty name!" Emily smiled again, flashing her perfectly straight teeth, the benefit of having braces all through junior high. "Well, actually my mum sent me to this school as punishment for kissing a boy from my school, she thinks sending me to this school will "straighten me out". So yeah, I am moving into a dorm room as soon as they have one free.." Emily said casually, she had visited the dorm room last week, and the communal kitchens and lounges had made her feel sick. At least only 4 girls shared a bathroom. Emily had begged and fought with her mum about getting a single room, but her mum had refused, saying that sharing was all a part of growing up. Grimacing at the memory Emily turned towards the office doors, "Anyway, I need to pickup my timetable from the office.. I'll see you later though?"