As they toured the house Sophia became even more impressed with Andre, he was easily the most real looking robot she'd ever seen. He was modelled after someone who was clearly quite handsome, and Andre's voice was deep, even if it was a little robotic at times. "It's all electric, since the war caused a severe shortage of natural gas and all of the world's oil was used up." Andre informed her factually. Sophia blinked, surprised that he was programmed to mention the war. Most of the robots she'd encountered were programmed to only speak of positive things, but Andre, for some reason was programmed to incorporate the war and loss of natural gases into his script? [i]Odd..[/i] "Ok Andre, what are your functions? Are you able to leave the house independently?" Sophia asked, flopping down on the bed. Small dust clouds rose around her as she disrupted the sheets. She hadn't realised how sore her feet were until she sat down, and her shoulders were exhausted from hauling her suitcase on and off trains and taxis all day. She pulled at the scrunchy holding her hair up in a loose bun, and her brown curls tumbled down her shoulders. "What do I need to know about this house? Who was my Aunt?"