[img] http://i.imgur.com/Pt9pPoO.png [/img]  The bouquet of candied flowers looked so delicate, the inflated sugars portrayed a fragility alike to glass when one sat and observed from afar. She could reach out right now and take one, but her stomach had already decided it didn't want anything and Jasper did not dare disobey, for the consequences maybe even greater than her newly acquired urge to take and eat a single sugary lolly.   "Hello Jasper, you should try the strawberry crepes, they're good."    He was such a good boy and Jasper liked him a lot. If it weren't for Harper, she would have long gone into the pit of insanity. The lad had a way about him that calmed people, a trait she warmed up to rather quickly during every quest.   'Are you okay?', his mouth formed the words soundlessly and it almost made her melt. [I]'Gosh. Why is he so nice?'[/I], Jasper thought to herself as she nodded quietly in response, but placed a strawberry crepe on her once empty plate just to make him feel at ease and somewhat convinced. "Cheer up Jasper! It could be worse. I was just telling Harper the same thing. We'll get through the next task, easy peasy. But we can't do that if you don't have a little optimism." As usual, Ace was as cheery as ever. Not fully grasping the severity of the situation and Jasper couldn't blame her. The girl had yet to see people die during these travels, but she was definitely not counting on anymore more of them dying. "You know... I wonder where else everyone is." Jasper wondered the same thing.   "Humans, thank you for gathering here. I called you over so we could have a nice tea party, but that isn't the only reason. I called you here so we could talk about more important matters and so you could ask me questions. Nowhere is a confusing place and I understand, but so far you're all doing spectacular." The Queen began her speech, but paused shortly to retrieve a pair of vials with which their collected items were stored in the form liquid that seemed to represent the name. The Siren's Song was a substance composed of musical notes and the snow hued liquid must be the Chaotic Star.   " Do any of you have questions? If you do, now is the time to ask." That statement caught her attention quickly, mind flashing back to the attackers. "Our guides knew those criminals. Who are they?" She blurted.