[quote=Brand] Speaking of ESO, to those who have it: Is it worth it?I've thought about buying it recently and being either a Redguard or an Orc. [/quote] I'm still in the honeymoon period of the MMO experience, during which everything that happens is 100% positive and it's all awesome. At some point, I'm sure, the honeymoon period ends, but..... jeez, I just don't see a downside. Well -- subscription fees, I guess, are the downside for most people, but for me it's a positive thing, as it keeps out a lot of the riff-raff that ruin most free online communities. I don't see it as paying $13 a month to play, I see it as paying $13 a month so that shittier people [i]can't[/i] play, and that's easily worth it. The game itself is super fun and gorgeous for an MMO, with a very involved and immersive combat (for an MMO, I guess I have to say, but even just in general). You can lose yourself in the world for hours, so.... I mean if that's your thing, I think you'll like it.