The Valkyrie watched closely as to how this handshake action worked, and was correct with it being a greeting. “I believe we may have to look for the master. Although I’m not quite sure what they look like,” She responded, taking several steps so she could get a better look around. Solan looked around with great interest. The inside was that of a tavern, not really what she expected the hall to look like, but it wasn’t like she was disappointed. The vibe to the hall was nice and welcoming. There were a few members around but she was curious why no one wanted to greet them or anything. Suddenly a rather intimidating man who carried his armor approached them. She wasn’t sure if he were a member, but Solan could feel his staring. She felt a bit self-conscious, and folded her wings a bit tighter across her back. “Yes, we tend to not leave home as often,” she said with a small laugh, “And apologizes on behalf of the previous Valkyrie you met, I promise not to do the same.” Solan suddenly remembered the new greeting she had just learned, and reached for the man’s hand and attempted to shake it, much like Heloise had did. Arden, who had been on the floor quietly, was immediately clambering onto her shoulder, emitting a hiss from his beak much like his feline half would. Solan looked back at the entrance and noticed a girl with similar white hair approach them. By her side was a rather large canine that was the reason for her griffin’s distress. She rolled her eyes at her companion, remembering the much larger bear he was trying to take on their journey here. She greeted the girl, and apologized once more, this time for the behavior for her creature. Several more people entered the hall, some, like her, appeared new and looked to join. She definitely wasn’t alone today and she was eager to join right away. Then, there was an outburst close by. A girl with red hair shouted accusingly at a man before picking up the chair she was sitting on and threw it at his face. Solan wasn’t as concerned for the man as she should have been but leaned towards Heloise, “Is…is that another greeting?” She asked, eying a chair and was ready to do the same.