She smiled at how happy he seemed to be given the chance to walk her to the dress shop but frowned at his next expression. He was worried. She sighed. It was probably for the best but Mr. and Mrs. Peters weren't such bad people and if they even dared say anything to him she'd protect him with all she had. He'd done the same for her, she'd do no less for him, regardless of his color. She smiled thinking about Rita. She'd show her father what it meant to be a good Christian and none of it had to do with the color of their skin. She chuckled and smiled at him when he asked her about her job. [b]"Why, thank you. I try my best. I... I actually made a promise to a very dear friend of mine a long time ago. I can't let her down."[/b] She explained, her smile only growing. Her heart sank when he explained to her the situation. She knew it all too well that several students didn't get the education they needed. She felt obligated to do something but she didn't know how. She couldn't force their parents to send them... Her smile returned at his next comment about the diner. [b]"I've eaten there a time or two on my way back from the schoolhouse. You know, sometimes I have to stay late. They certainly do have some of the best food I've eaten. Why even the best cooks in the fancier restaurants couldn't compare."[/b] She told him, holding her hands at her lap politely. She let out a small sigh at his offer to allow her to have dinner with him and his sister. She had to consider it for awhile. Regardless of color, Robin would think twice about stepping foot into the house of strange man she'd only just met. She was rash, but she wasn't stupid. Still, if he did in fact have a sister, which she assumed he was telling the truth (He didn't seem like the type to lie.), then it should be fine. It'd be nice to talk to someone from that neighborhood and get an idea of what it's like. That was the only way she'd be able to understand her colored students and why they act the way they do. She looked up at him and nodded politely. [b]"Why, Mr. Washington, I'd love to. If you do all the cooking at that diner, I can't wait to see what you'd cook up at home. I'm also interested in meeting this sister of yours. How old is she?"[/b] Robin asked, picking up her things as she prepared to walk to the dress shop with this man.