[quote=KnightShade] Have you ever thought about a thought as it occurs, as in trying to observe the thought without making an effort to complete it? Then tried to do the same for that observing thought, and so on and so forth, until you build up a visualization of stepping backwards out of your thoughts which in turn you attempt to observe from a clearer place? Have you ever tried this up until the point were you stop because you realize every time you try to observe a thought it is a thought in itself, and that no matter how much space you believe you are clearing in your mind by not turning each thought into a dialogue of thoughts you are still trapped within your own mind and a semi-dialogue of observing points? Because to solve this problem you should think about the fractured nature of the mind that is required for various parts of the brain to observe each other. [/quote] [youtube]6ITD1tqXDII[/youtube]