[b]Colony 741[/b] The Seeder Ship continued on its way, treating the tiny mines the way a tank would a dog; it didn't do anything, and just kept going. Moments later, the Seeder Ship began impacting the asteroid belt/field, bright flashes of light erupting from its sides as it constantly modifies its inertia and ship heading to continue on straight through the field. A couple minutes later, it makes it through, and accelerates. After a moment, all the 'engines,' which have yet to be seen besides bright flashes from the smooth sides, shut off. Acceleration stops, and it drifts. The ship then begins turning, still getting farther and farther away. As the ship re-aligns with the asteroid belt, the engines come back online, and there is a great flash of light, as bright as an atomic bomb [which would blind or burn anything looking at it], and begins to rapidly decelerate to a standstill.