When Aviva came in a spoke to Sakura's brother, the female ticked with annoyance. She didn't like people saying things like that to her siblings. "Hey Viva. I'd appreciate it if you didn't boss my brother around, even if you are his meister." She heard Aviva's sister Tabitha start laughing from where she sat next to Aoi. Sakura though was keeping polite, well as polite as she could. She just really didn't like it when people were rude to her brother and she felt like Aviva was over stepping her place. ----------- Hearing Sakura pretty much tell off her older sister made Tabi laugh, to her it was hilarious. But when she heard that Aoi was going to be cooking she looked over at her partner hopefully. "Could i come? Dinner at your house has got to be more fun than dinner at my house! Plus i wanna taste Aoi's cooking." she declared brightly. To Tabi it was nice to see a confident side of Aoi, it was refreshing and she hoped he would grow to have that kind of confidence all the time.