[b]Project X[/b] [img]http://www.chuing.net/mai/img_character_main/11/854740659318.jpg[/img] Name: Canard Pars Gender: Male(?) Age: Maybe 16 Height: 5'Asian Weight: 120 pounds Rank/Title: Special Officer Special: Failed Ultimate Coordinator. Has higher reflexes than other coordinators. Maybe. Bio: A failed Ultimate Coordinator (born entirely in a mechanical fetus, but apparently not a 100% perfect designer baby), Canard lived most of his life being forced to run on treadmills as scientists looked on his half-naked form with homoerotic sciencelust. For some reason, this wound up traumatizing the boy greatly, and the ungrateful lab rat would later break out in an attempt to escape his rather comfortable environment. The attempt failed, but not before one Gilbert Durandal made his presence known, his bizarre affinity for being near genetically altered young boys of significance affecting yet another impressionable child as Durandal informed a young Pars that not only was he experimented on for being a failure in artificial utero, but also because there was, somewhere, someone who did [i]not[/i] fuck it up. He is then told that said Ultimate Coordinators name is Kira Yamato, and the rest is history. After that day, Pars spent every waking moment deciding to be perfect, edgy, and superdark. And having done so, he would definitely be able to surpass Kira Yamato, find him, kill him, and take his place in the universe. He was later picked up by an aging fat man and given his own experimental supersuit, the CAT1-X1/3 Hyperion Gundam Unit 1. [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120907152617/gundam/images/9/93/Cat1-x1-3.jpg[/img] Name: CAT1-X1/3 Hyperion Gundam Unit 1 Type: Real Dimensions: 16.9 Meters Weight: 54.7 Metric Tons Strength: 20 Armor: 40 (60) Firepower: 50 Performance: 30 Mobility: 30 Energy Output: 40 Sensors:30 Description: It's a blue, white, and red Gundam with turbines strapped to it's back and is holding a beam submachine gun. Weapons: [b]Multi-barrel CIWS:[/b] Like most other mobile suits, the Hyperion series features two head mounted multi-barrel CIWS guns to shoot down incoming missiles or enemies at close range. These guns are the only shell-firing weapons on the suit. [b]RBW Type 7001 "Romteknica" Beam Knives:[/b] For close combat, the Hyperion features five RBW Type 7001 "Romteknica" beam knives. One is stored on each limb and one on the sub-machine gun. The knives are powered by their own independent batteries, drawing no power from the suit's battery and can thus be also used as throwing weapons. [b]RFW-99 "Zastava Stigmate" Beam Sub-machine Gun:[/b] The main ranged combat weapon of the suit is the "Zastava Stigmate" beam sub-machine gun. The beam sub-machine gun's battery is stored in a "clip" which can be quickly and easily replaced, and while its shots are weaker than those of standard beam rifles, its rate of fire is much greater. The sub-machine gun also mounts a "Romteknica" beam knife below the sensor, allowing the suit to engage in close combat quickly without changing weapons. The beam knife can also be ejected to hit incoming enemy unit. [b]"Forfanterie" Beam Cannon:[/b] The strongest weapons of the Hyperion are the two "Forfanterie" beam cannons mounted in the backpack binders. These cannons fold over the shoulders when in use and are powered by their own batteries, which are ejected after each shot. Abilities: [b]"Armure Lumiere" Mono-phase Lightwave Shield:[/b] The main feature of the Hyperion series is the "Armure Lumiere" mono-phase lightwave shield system. Hyperion has in total 7 lightwave shield emitters, 1 on each arm, 1 on the back of the backpack and 2 on each backpack binder. The 2 arm-mounted emitters can generate triangular beam shields, and the 5 backpack-mounted units can project an energy barrier similar to the "Umbrella of Artemis" that completely surrounds and protect the mobile suit when they are used together. However, this barrier completely drains the suit's batteries in approximately 5 minutes. Hyperion itself can attack through this barrier, including throwing its beam knife. The beam emitted by the shield system can also take on other shapes and be used as an offensive weapon that is capable of penetrating other lightwave barriers, positron barriers and possibly beam shields. The latter two which are in fact developed based on the lightwave barrier. Lightwave barriers aren't without weakness however as weapons with anti-beam properties have been known to be able to penetrate the barrier. Signature Moves: [b]"Do you know, Kira Yamato?!":[/b] Constant asking of this question causes the target to be confused and bewildered, before being shot. [b]360 Shield: [/b] The Hyperion's shields are deployed in a 360 degree barrier, completely sealing off the unit and protecting it from harm. Supposedly.