It was only a glimpse of weakness that he noticed when rain was mentioned - although it was so vague it might have not been a weakness at all. He was satisfied noticing it, though. There was a certain feeling in his gut, that became even stronger as the woman disappeared from the sight. He didn't question her methods, not yet at least. This way it would be much easier getting to his apartment. He didn't even look around, but merely fixed his clothes and focused on getting back home. "To the west. AdmiralteyskI kanal, 31." He whispered in the air before moving out. She was listening. There was no need to take any sort of public transport. He had more than enough energy to walk. Indeed, a lot kf unknown aspect considering this woman made her a dangerous adversary, but a potentially powerful ally. He took his cell phone out and dialed a number as he walked home. "Aleksei reporting in, sir. Yes, everything is taken care of - Lev will not be a problem anymore." He sighed as the man on the other lines stopped talking. "Thank you, sir. I will make sure to report any future development. Of course." Aleks muttered something out asthe line went dead, but he kept the phone to his ear. "Yes. The surveillance camera has been fixed, do not worry. Thank you. Good night, sir." Never trust a person with golden eyes. Of course, he had to report his success to Nikolai, but in case the woman was close enough to eavesdrop, it wouldn't kill him to take some more precautions. And honestly, he was interested in seeing how she'd react. With the call out of the way, Aleks soon found himself in front of the building and, moments after, in front of his door. The key slid in smoothly and the door safe, dry haven opened. He entered the hallway, immediately taking his coat off. One sleeve got wet while he tried covering the girl. He made himself comfortable as he fixed his black shirt. It fit him almost perfectly. He deliberately left the door slighly ajar, welcoming the woman in. Fixing his hair, he leaned on the wall and waited for his guest.