[quote=Raineh Daze] failure on Mechanicus.BIG success on Tech and Arcehotech. I think that's... 5 degrees of success on each with the way they work in this? XD [/quote] When i get off work I will check my book but if you succeeded as well as you say that is going to be huge and you will get to see a unique aspect of how I do knowledge oriented checks. [quote=Polyjester] This die roller is nowhere near as friendly as invisiblecastle was last time. Verdi's stats are still tolerable, I suppose. Do we get a reroll for whatever was lowest? [/quote] You can reroll one stat of your choice though if you do you must take the reroll. I plan for everyone to do a check for knowledge about the planet and hive once I figure out the name of the check. Crayt, since Q’Sal is in a completely seperate sector from us you can basically substitute that for knowledge of your home world which I can give you free reign almost to create a Tzeentchian world or ask about maybe some Tzeentchian worlds I planned or have made for this RP.