Ok guys I guess we can get started with this role-play. I guess I'll repost all the information and the intro to the rp here just in case some of you missed it. The story starts off with us living out our lives (real lives). All of a sudden we get a call or text (your choice) from a girl (if it's a call) asking "will you accept the calling?" then hangs up. Later that night or day depending on when you sleep you have a strange dream and the girl shows up in the dream asking you the same question "will you accept the calling?". Because your dreaming you don't make any sense of it and accept. When you awaken it's in a room, but not your room and to make thing even more weird the look of everything is something out of an anime. Not only does the room look off, but when you look in the mirror you look completely different. You look nothing like yourself. It's like you're a completely different person. Now you have to figure out what's going on and find out how to get back home, but there's more. The world that you're in has problems of its own. It seems like there's a war going on and believe it or not you will be involve whether you like it or not because your newly acquired body has a past that you won't believe. Join me in an epic story of love, power struggles, sadness, betrayal, and more. Welcome to your life as an Anime Character. About the World: This world has 3 continents. The continent's names are Yuvargo, Wistari, and Genguro (weird names I know just going with something lol). Yuvargo is mostly wasteland but not all of it, Wistari is green and lushes lands and a lot of forests. Genguro is a little bit of both. The city that we'll start in is Hyuki. Hyuki is a small town in Genguro. How things will begin: When you awaken from your dream you are in a dorm room in Hyuki. There is a envelop in your room giving you information about your character (age, name, classroom, etc). You can choose to attend the classes to try and find clues or you can choose not to and try finding out what's going on in another way (your choice). As for powers, you're powers will be hidden from you at first. There's a reason you have powers but it'll make sense later as I reveal things.