Click, click, and more clicking as Greg continued to browse the internet. He knew he didn't have much time before he had to go back to work. "Man work is dull," said Greg as he realized it was time for him to go. Grabbing everything he needed for work, he left for his boring journey to work. On the way he felt his phone vibrate but didn't pay it any mind. "It must me nothing," he said as he finally made it to work. After clocking in he took a quick look at his messages before getting started. He had one message from something that said "calling". "I don't remember putting that in my contacts," he said as he proceeded to delete the message. He didn't like answering or looking at messages that he didn't recognize. Later in the night on his break he decided to look through his phone again and saw that he had another message. It was a message from "calling" again. "What the hell is this person or this number? I've never seen something like this before. I know I shouldn't but," thought Greg as he pressed the ok button to take a look at his new message. The message was as strange as his messenger's number. "Will you accept the calling?" read the message. "What the hell is this? Must be a troll," said Greg still curious about who sent this message. He decided to send a "who's this?" message before his break ended. On his way back to his department his head became a little fuzzy as he received another message from his anonymous messenger. Just like before the number was "Calling". As he pressed the ok button his head got fuzzy again. "What is going on?" said Greg as he read the message which was the exact same message he received before. "Screw it said Greg as he turned off his phone and continued work for the rest of the night.