[center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/326/e/2/rwby_ep_8__oh_nora____by_grumpythesheep-d6v6iik.png[/img][/center] - human form, she is 5'2" and weighs 143lbs. Her hair stops a little above her shoulders [hider=wings as a human(pink)][img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQD03Nvo8ri8ULTUaSRVy_apQl09j4H-BFSAzod7-TF7MyeWafq[/img][/hider] [hider=dragon form][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ikb0g0nWkdk/TAHuhOENwMI/AAAAAAAAAN8/_O5i8pz7hcI/s1600/PinkDragon.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]Ruby Valkyrie[/center] [center]18[/center] [center]Female[/center] [center](All her powers are weaker in her human form than they are in her dragon form) Fire Breathing - the ability for fire to come out of her mouth, Flying - in her human form her wings have shrunk and she cuts holes into the back of her shirt for them. Impenetrable skin - because a dragons scales are so hard it makes it difficult to hurt her unless she is in her human form, where her skin is still strong it is just easier to cut.[/center] [center]A dragon human shapeshifter, also called Draki [url=http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_draki] Draki information[/url][/center] [center]Ruby is an extremely hyper girl who tends to seem a little crazy. But her happiness really just masks how scared and hurt she is about being taken away from the person she cares about. But she never lets it show unless someone pries into her past and the life that she wishes she was living.[/center] [center]~[url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130822234334/rwby/images/b/b4/Boop.png]Ren - Her fiancee[/url] ~candy ~being free ~sunshine[/center] [center]~being away from Ren, ~being caged, ~accidentally hurting the people she cares for[/center] [center]She is a fast flyer, because of her actual form she is a bit stronger than the normal female, she is able to cover her emotions extremely well.[/center] [center]Ren, If she is away from some kind of moisture for a long time her skin will dry out and it could kill her, She can't swim though[/center] [center]She was abandoned in a cave when she was a baby but her natural instincts kept her alive. She grew up hidden from society because of her wings, there was really no way to hide them. Then one day the Lie family found her hiding in a cave when she was 6. They took her in despite her being what she was and they loved her like their own daughter. That was also when she met Ren Lie, their eldest son. But Ren was quiet and didn't talk to many people but Ruby pushed her way into his bubble and they soon became best friends. He didn't care that she was a draki and he didn't treat her any differently then he would have done with a human girl. At 13 she realized that she was really in love with the 17 year old boy and she since dragons are quiet selfish, she couldn't help but get jealous when he came home with a girlfriend one day. Ren didn't know what was wrong with her and missed his old best friend. After months after he started dating the girl, she cheated on him and he broke it off. After that he also confronted Ruby about why she had changed so much around him and it made her angry that he was so dense and in her anger she confessed. They have been together ever since. When she turned 16 and he turned 20 he asked her to marry him when she got to be a legal age. But when she turned 18 her ability was leaked out....and she was taken from him. Ren tried to protect her but the government got to her and if her collar wasn't keeping her from transforming she would have run away to find him. The last thing Ren told her was to keep smiling because he would get her out of there if it was the last thing he did. So she keeps herself happy because of the hope that she will see Ren again and they can be together.[/center] [center]She has a [url=http://hahuawei.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/engagement-rings-with-pink-diamonds-4.jpg]ring[/url] that she wears on her left ring finger it was the promise ring that Ren had given to her with she was 16[/center] [center][b]Trapped[/b][/center]