[b]Brad - Catacombs[/b] The second-in-command watched the man leave. Good riddance. He turned to his boss, who was pouring over the contents of the letter. Tyler had donned a look of annoyance after Eli had left, but whatever was in the letter was now making the man smiled. Brad felt a pang of irritation. "How much do they want this time?" he asked. Tyler barely acknowledged him. "Triple." "That's too much. After the last one, you said we would-" "This one is pregnant, Brad, so I need you to shut your mouth." Tyler looked into the shorter man's eyes. It was intimidating and captivating all at once. "Can I trust you, Brad?" Brad nodded profusely. He hated all of this, having to gather women for Tyler. What did Tyler need with women? They had everything they would ever need, right there in the hideout. All Tyler needed was his second-in-command, and his force of loyal men. Together, they could take the world by storm, none of this other bullshit required. Still, Brad would do just about anything for this man. Tyler smiled at him, a smile that warmed Brad. "Then take these papers and gather what they're asking for," Tyler said. As if taking sacred documents, Brad grabbed the papers and hurried deeper into the catacombs.