Lance followed the girl slightly, not paying much attention to any of the students but looking at the school itself. The high ceilings were very tempting for Lance to swing around but with the close-quarters, it would be not smart in any way. Still, there was no telling how much fun he could have after getting back outside. He had overheard rumors about a violent first test from the school but Lance had no clue at all what it had meant. He assumed it didn't mean the students fighting each other since there would be no reason to have a school if the students were going to hurt each other badly. "Such an interesting place to explore. I can't wait to explore it. Oh, I love the thought of adventuring but I had better find a way to make a trail back." The two students that were close by before had walked off quite a ways, so Lance was more or less talking to himself. Not unusual but it was easy to assume that students were almost banned from anywhere outside the main entrance and their temporary sleeping location for the night. After looking down a couple of halls, Lance had made his way back to the kids just before the girl had said her good-byes and left quickly. "You got it." Lance went away from the boy and let him go his separate way, patting his shoulder before taking a bedroll and taking it to closer to one of the walls, leaning his back against it and using the bedroll as a comfortable back supporter. He slipped a small notebook and pencil from his back pocket and jotted down quick notes, about the people he had met and a few other details to distinguish between the kids they were about. He had to keep his thoughts organized from the start, or at least attempt to. When he was finished making his notes, he pocketed his book again and leaned back, falling asleep in no time.