As the months went by, Haklo Desol did what he came there to do. He observed and learned. He attended warding classes and made exceptional progress warding off invading psychomantic attacks. He had spent a lot of time in the library and in other magical classes, observing and listening to what the teachers said about the magics that they were teaching. He was mostly interesting the prospects of runes and overall to make profit from various magic. He’d have to keep in mind to commission something from master runecrafters. Other than learning about magic, he used some free time to keep various skills honed such as horseback riding and swordsmanship. He managed to befriend some novices, gets to know them and see what they were about and learned what he could about others. He watched other students that he didn’t get much of a chance to interact with for one reason or another. He was inquisitive about people but not suspiciously so, asking others and overhearing conversation and making sure to be up to date with any rumors, gossip or just overall facts about people’s lives, the pregnant Naga for example. Currently, the young nobleman was outside the collage grounds astride a black steed with a white mane, tail and socks including a star between the eyes. The saddle was burgundy of fine quality leather. The nobleman was awaiting a delivery, a regular delivery from his father of coin. He didn’t need it so this was also an ample opportunity to re-evaluate the need for the deliveries. The young nobleman was wearing a heavy cloak to help him with the cold with a hood pulled over his head. Underneath he wore his most worn armor of studded leather. He was warm enough though this winter his breath was visible in the breeze. He sat there on his horse as he watched the road where a courier approached with his delivery. “You are late” Haklo said, staying there until the courier approached him in his light wagon dragged by two horses. “Sorry, milord” The courier said, a man of middle age with a very bushy beard that was partially covered by a scarf. “Some roads are very dangerous and I had-“ He started but stopped when Haklo raised his hand. “No matter. You are here now. Give me the delivery. In return I have a letter for you” He said and handed the older man a finely folded letter sealed with red wax stamped with the Desol emblem which he bore on his ring. “And for your payment” he said as he took the casket from the man, tossing a velvet bag filled with coin. The man fumbled, dropping the back to the back of the wagon but managed to get it. “Thank you, lord. It was an honor” the courier said, watching the nobleman turn back to the collage. Haklo headed straight to the collage stables, getting his horse which he had decided to name Star. With his steed secure in the stables feasting on some hay. Haklo walked back into the collage proper. He was hungry and needed something warm so he headed straight to the dining hall where he procured himself warm tea sweetened with sugar and milk and a plate of warm chicken, bread and cheese. The meal was much needed as it warmed him up a bit, especially the tea. He finished the meal rather quickly, leaving a piece of bone that was broken with the marrow sucked out with bread and cheese crumbs. With food in his stomach he left the dining hall carrying the somewhat unnecessarily ornate casket of coin and heading to his quarters. He passed a window as he walked through the halls, seeing the Djarkal representative with Khan. His eyebrow arched at the situation as he knew the Djarkal style anywhere and he found it somewhat comforting in a strange sense. He then looked around when he heard people not too far away. He decided to follow the voices and at a turn he saw three people which he had seen the faces of. Ssarak, Leith and Annabeth. He saw that Annabeth still had her knife which he had returned to her all those months ago. He didn't approach them as they were already engrossed in their own conversation and about to speak with Leith so instead the nobleman prepped up his ears and leaned against the wall, in sight as he listened to them.