Taylor was laying around on her bed, as usual, checking her social media sites and jamming out to the music blaring through her earphones. Today was a typical day for her. Wake up. Decide to skip school. Lay around all day until mom says she is on her way home. Clean last minute. Lay around some more. Call her boyfriend. She didn't really live that exciting of a life style and this was routine for her. She sighed, uploading one more selfie to Instagram before she decided that she was going to go ahead and take her shower so she get a head start on curling her hair. The water was warm and she nearly had to talk her self into getting out. Curling her hair didn't take long either. Once she decided that she was done making herself look decent, she laid down for bed. She was right about to doze off when her phone lit up. She groaned and grabbed her phone, unlocking it and sleepily read the message. The sender was from somebody named "Calling" but her tired mind didn't seem to process that she didn't have anyone in her contacts named that. "Will you accept the calling?" She read the message out loud before smirking and tossing it back down. "I'll accept the calling to go to sleep." She whispered to herself as she turned over to go to sleep.