[img]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/anime_render_36_by_animerenderss-d6es7rx_zps56f8e699.png[/img] [hider= Altered Form][img]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/f114183_DarkAngelHarpy_zps50221caa.jpg[/img][/hider] Name Amelia Frost Age Seventeen Gender Female Powers Sonic Scream - The power to emit highly enhanced destructive and deafening scream of a high amplitude. Feather Projection - The power to project razor-sharp feathers as projectile weapons. Wind Generation - Ability to generate powerful winds. Species Harpy Species Lore THE HARPYIAI (or Harpies) were the spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind. They were known as the hounds of Zeus and were despatched by the god to snatch away (harpazĂ´) people and things from the earth. Sudden, mysterious dissappearances were often attributed to the Harpyiai. The Harpies were once sent by Zeus to plague King Phineus of Thrake as punishment for revealing the secrets of the gods. Whenever a plate of food was set before him, the Harpies would swoop down and snatch it away, befouling any scraps left behind. When the Argonauts came to visit, the winged Boreades gave chase, and pursued the Harpies to the Strophades Islands, where the goddess Iris commanded them to turn back and leave the storm-spirits unharmed. The Harpies were depicted as winged women, sometimes with ugly faces, or with the lower bodies of birds. Personality Amelia is a little on the mean and cocky side of things. She doesn't really care much for others, only cares about herself. She angers easily and bust out a fight even if it's for the dumbest reason. She's headstrong and thinks more along the lines of actions over words. She'll be mean to just about anyone even if their nice to her, she doesn't make friends easy and she doesn't just trust anyone. Though if she does trust someone she can be a bit more kinder, though still acting mean in a way but with less force behind it. She's very confident in herself, but lacks self-esteem about her looks and her fighting skills always thinking she needs to improve and isn't doing it well enough. She hides her emotions, well except for her anger it's easy to tell with her when she's angry. She's anti-social, rather not talk to others or make conversations actually she rather avoid other people entirely. Likes +Flying + The Sky + High Places + Eating + Open Spaces + Animals + Sunny Days + Music Dislikes - Water/Getting Wet - Crowded Spaces - Being Confined - Being Grounded - Showing Weakness - Losing - Rain - Thunderstorms Strengths She Is An Extremely Fast Flyer When She's In Her Altered Form Her Talons Can Crush Skulls Easy With Immense Strength She's Light On Her Feet And Agile Weaknesses If Her Wings Get Wet Or Injured She's Grounded She Doesn't Think Before Her Actions So She Makes Lot Of Mistakes She Is Slower And Lacks Strength In Her Human Form So She's Pretty Much Defenseless History Amelia's parents abandoned her when she was young and she was left to fend for herself. Other than herself she hasn't seen anyone of her kind since, although she heard rumor that there were sightings in Greece. So Amelia stuck there for a while, moving from city to city having no luck at all until she finally settled in Athens for a while getting sick of moving from place to place. Amelia had to keep a low profile while staying there, though occasionally she would sneak off to take flight she just hated being grounded for to long. She mostly did her flying around night, though word got around quick of a mysterious creature flying around at night and stealing food, she gets hungry easily and she couldn't help but to steal food. When government caught wind of this rumor they stuck around Athens for a little while and Amelia was grounded longer than she thought. One night she couldn't fight the urge any longer and did her routine midnight flight, but that was a grave mistake. Even though she fought well the government manage to trap her and take her to a facility where she could do no harm. Other She Doesn't Like To Be Still For Long [center][b]Trapped[/b][/center]