Off to the side but still directly between Swift and Rose sat a very, very small man. His hair was white and only on the sides of his head, leaving the middle mostly bald. His eyes seemed closed, but he was clearly active and awake as he sat on the table next to them and sipped at his tea. He listened to them talk, before opening his eyes and watching them curiously. What better way to investigate newcomers than to watch their actions when they didn't know the master was immediately present? Finally he spoke, giving away his position. "There are a few differences between this guild and a pride young cub. In a pride there is one leader, and any who oppose him are stricken down. In this guild however, I am the leader, and I wish for nothing more than to see all of you grow into power that can match my own, if not go beyond it. You cannot go far without the help of others however. and that's where the guild comes in. He is right though, with a simple change of words. Guildmates should not quarrel. For someday, you may require their assistance, and they may not be so quick to help one who was so easily thrown into rage by a simple question." He sipped at his tea again before setting it aside and standing up. The room went quiet, at least for all of the former members of Iron Tree. They looked to the short man standing on the table who looked out across the room at all the newcomers. "So you've all come to join the guild have you? Well let me be the first member to welcome you to Iron Tree! My name is Makarov I'll be your guild master for the evening hi how do you do?" He grinned as he crossed his arms behind his back, watching everyone.