His heart skips a beat as the other man stirs. He can not suppress the smile curling across his face at the sight of it's burning gaze. [i]'Even just waking, and being drugged as well, it has such passion'[/i] A soft flutter begins in his stomach as the vampire's glare settles upon the master of the house and Alexi shifts ever so slightly under it's fury. [i]'I knew he would be nothing like my other slaves, having broken none of them myself, but the light I see there is inspiring to say the least. I can see why so many have chosen to follow him. I bet they were all more than willing to die for him a hundred times over'[/i] His body practically writhes on the bed beneath Alexi's gaze as he tries to fight his bindings and the human swallows hard. [i]'Well, may as well get started'[/i] As the figure settles once again, still laying upon the bed's plush surface, Alexi sits up a little straighter and shifts his fond smile to a more commanding one. His eyes grow cold, the eyes he gets when a slave disobeys him and needs reminding of it's place in the world. Alexi is not a cruel man, but he can not help how he has been raised. “I admire you fire, and your accomplishments are not to be disregarded, so I will not be foolish enough to tell you not to fight me.” His voice is smooth, just loud enough o be heard in the near silent room. The only other noise in the room, and the only source of light, is the fire crackling in the tall fireplace. “However until you begin to learn you place I feel no need to answer you inquiries, especially when they are barked at me like an angry mutt at the end of his. . . . .Chains. . . . .” Alexi chuckles lightly and shifts so his legs are dangling off the edge of the bed. “I would normally give my new acquisition a speech about how if one just does as they are told and does not question me, how easy life here on my estate can be.” He stands slowly and begins moving closer to the vampire. “However, again, I am no fool. I expect you to fight. In fact, I look forward to it.” He stops, just far enough away that the other could not reach him no matter how he may try. “However I will tell you I do not plan on bringing you to harm. Though a hard break can never be completely without harm, it is never the less how things must be.” His eyes soften for an instant, his voice sounding wistful. “We will do great things, you and I. . .” His visage becomes once more cold and distant as he continues to look down upon his most marvelous challenge. ~*~*~*~*~ A few odd looks are thrown his way however Mois simply makes his way to the briefing room. His quick strides carry him through the crowded squad room into the back hallway where the elevator stands alone at the end. Behind him a low level of murmurs seem to redouble as he moves out of sight, and a few phrases catch his attention. “They say he walked out in the middle of a mission.” “I guess flying to the top on the wings of you money makes you think you can do whatever you want!” “With his history, I'm surprised he didn't do it earlier. Pampered brat.” These words however pass right over him, and he soon finds himself out of earshot of the office gossip. [i]'Next time, I should just tell him no. As if I really could. My brother may be insane, but when he asks something insane of me, it means it's important'[/i] He lets out a sigh and steps into the elevator. Punching the number pad he finishes sorting out his story quickly and prepares to talk his way out of the mess his brother conned him into. As the doors slide open his usual distant stoic expression is firmly in place. The conference room lays at the other end of the hallway and by the time he reaches the thick cherry oak doors he is as confident on the inside as he seems on the outside that his plan will work. ~~Time Skip~~ [i]'A part of me still can not believe that worked'[/i] Mois smiles inside as he recalls the look on his superior's face as he laid out a well thought out lie about using the fight to gather vital information and how said information is now being processed by an outside expert. [i]'Well, technically it isn't a lie. The vampire is a great source of information, and if my brother succeeds in breaking him we'll have access to all of it'[/i] Plopping down on a bench in the men's locker room he begins stripping off his gear for a post-op shower. His lips press into a thin line as he recalls once asking Joseph about being hard broken. The then Governor of the two children had tried to dance around the issue, not meeting their curious gazes. However Alexi, use to getting his way, had put his foot down and demanded an explanation. [i]'One does have to admire his spunk though. He managed to finds ways around telling us too much about the specifics, but still enough to satisfy my dear overbearing little brother[/i] Joseph had told them how it had taken around a year for the final stage of breaking, the true eradication of his free will. Mois pauses, furrowing his eyebrows. [i]'However, it can't really been an eradication. He, though many years later, still has his will, and more as each generation passes. I would not doubt that is exactly how it felt though. . . .'[/i] A faint pain passes through his chest. Partially about what Joseph must have gone through, but mostly at the thought that his brother would be doing that very thing soon. [i]'Should this take as long, if not longer, than it did for Joseph, I fear the damage it may do to Alexi. He is. . . .Kind, for an aristocrat'[/i] Stripping off the last bit of cloth he wanders into the shower area. The area is deserted but the floor is still wet and a bit grimy from his men doing their own post-ops earlier that evening. Mois wrinkles his nose at the filth. Neither he nor he brother can deny their upbringing and despite his years on the force Mois still feel his stomach turn at the state of the showers after a full team uses it. Moving all the way to the back area he turns the nob on the shower and a cold stream of water begins pouring down from the shower head. He watches it patiently until steam begins to rise from the droplets and without testing the temperature he steps under the near scalding spray. He's always had a high tolerance for heat, and the hot shower does wonders for relaxing his tense muscles.