[b] Colony 741 [/b] As the foreigners continued their own things, another attack fleet entered the fray, assuming that the patrol fleet went dark due to local insurrections spiraling across the colonies. To their surprise, they were met by two unknown races and the destruction of Colony 741. A message to the attack fleet sent by the patrol fleet was relayed [i] Keep your distance from both of these races, they are seemingly agressive, especially the one continuisly firing off weapons onto whatever's left of the planet. We fear that more of these races, both of them, will come, we can't retreat, we must find another haven, we need to get out of this thing[/i] The attack fleet sent a message to the species containing the patrol fleet:[i] Please release our brothers, we will leave the premisise immediately unless you require our assistance[/i] [b] Other Colonies that have met this strange race[/b] Attack fleets have already been sent to the colonies after recieving word of a massive insurrection throughout the Empire. When these new ships entered the fray, and thinking these ships belonged to colonials or pirates, the attack fleets immediately opened fire with their glass cannons positioned already. They fired a five second glassing cannon burst, hoping to tear the ship down with little energy use. [b] Insurrections[/b] After the little stunt on Colony 257, all colonies 112+ have followed in C257's footsteps. The colonial militias stationed in the colonies have for the most part aided the rebellions, with most of the outer colonies (690+) already fending off the military. The campaign is to secede from the current state of Zonan, and eventually destroy the current state completely. All freed colonial planets have established an unofficial nation: The Colonial Powers of Zonan (CPZ). Most of the colonies 690- have been met by fierce opposition of the military, who have began to mobilize their reserves to stomp the insurrection. The CPZ has called for galactic aid, stating that the Zonanese Empire has "failed to allow the colonial planets to survive, failed to supply the colonial planets with the basic necesities that cannot be supplied on the planet itself without illegal actions, and failed to keep the colonial opinion of the Trinity a good one. The Trinity is a tyranny, they must be ended" [b] Colony 257 [/b] The radio was kept as low as possible, but everyone could hear the conversation. "Commander Ru, we need to abandon this area, we're taking the kid and guess with us" said Kal. "Kal, we both know how complicated this is becoming, you know what's happening everywhere else, yeah?" "I should know, and I should know that a sh*t-load of colonies just rebelled" "Besides, what do you think we can do with them when they get out of the atmosphere? The military is swarming us, Kal." "The human and others can fly them safely away, and if they can't, [i]he[/i] can." "He's too young, Kal" "It doesn't matter!" Kal screamed. The boy began to tear up, only to be comforted by his father. The truck neared the colonial base, almost torn apart completely from gunfire and plasma/drughan-artillery blasts. The base quickly opened the gates to let the truck in, and closing it tightly once they had entered. The militia was still reluctant in helping, but by this point, they have no choice. The death toll has ramped up significantly, and if they were going to get foreigners out of the planet, they basically guranteed who they were loyal to. So instead of sitting around and letting the military stomp through the rebel lines, the militia launched a counter attack. VenZ fighters and bombers quickly rained plasma bombs onto military-mechs. Gult missiles were fired onto enemy AA sites. Enemy soldiers also now had to deal with Cobra jeeps and Conda tanks, who were swarming the hills with drughan artillery and gatlings. The group quickly abandoned the truck, and ran over to the nearest C-craft. "Can you drive, humans?" asked one of the men acompanying the group. [b]Planet by the Shipyard[/b] REPORT: MESSAGE TO: Commander Reyes II [i] Send more ships immediately...we found something you might like to see[/i] [b]Shipyard[/b] The wolverines quickly left the scene, noticing that the sarkazjhit were waiting for them to leave. Fleets carrying components scavenged have been taken to Commune for expirements. A part of the fleet stayed, however, to ensure that OP was maintained under ZE control.