Colony 257 High in orbit above the planet, the group overseer listened to the CPZ galactic aid request. He paused, considering as Overwatch spoke ". Alert, dissection detected. Alert. Colony sociostability index is marginal. Polistabilisation index lost." "Prepare the troops, code: Inject, sterilise, stabilise" The overseer ordered, as the group moved closer to the planet, the Aquilifer preparing to release its troops "Rules of engagement?" "Dagger. Echo, confirm" "We obey." The ships moved closer to provide close support and cut off reinforcements, and ships were deployed from Triarian space to assist other CPZ planeta From the ground could be seen a plume as the Aquilifer entered the atmosphere, and dropships moved down to the planet. There was a crack, and then a deafening noise as something pounded into the ground on either side of the Colonial Base, blasting dirt up into the air. Once it settled, a habitat walker and an Assembly walker marched through the dust, coming into sight in their towering glory, a single of their legs dwarfing the base, the top of the habitat walker 600 meters from the ground, maybe more, and the assembly walker around double that. They began to move forwards, preparing their forces for deployment as the drop ships landed and began to deploy forces. The Triarian Collective transmitted a planet wide message "Attention, please. Your planet has been deemed unstable. Order shall be restored. The overseer watched the view screens "Get me reinforcements, clamp the sector. No one may leave without my permission... If they try, shoot them." "Yes, praelatus meus"