Daniel has played his favorite MMORPG for more than six years now, he claimed the highest rank in the among all the other players, which he is quite proud of. However, you can imagine due to that, his social life is rather... poor. "AAAaaand take that!" he yelled as his character delivered the final blow with his impressing high-level sword to the dungeon Boss. "Wheew another round done~" Daniel muttered, it had been the 56th time he defeated him, the last boss of the current Add-on. Finally Daniel decided to take a look at the time, it was 4 o'clock am and he had to go to school the next day. "..Hmpf.. What-ever, won't miss much I guess if I won't go to school tomorrow. It bores me out anyway, way more fun staying at home playing video games and watchin Anime~" he told himself as he looked at the screen again. His character already left the Dungeon area, but something was odd. In the middle of the screen, a message popped up [i]'Will you accept the calling?'[/i]. Daniel thought for a moment until he wrote his response, thinking it was a player who needed help or was looking for a mate for a dungeon rush. [quote][i]'I will gladly accept your request. Se great me is going to assist you my dear friend, on your mission, I shall fight with you, side by side! Having our enemies trumbling in fear! Now thou shall...[/i] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ [i]raise your dongers![/i] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ'.[/quote] Instead of receiving a response, the message window immediately closed in front of his eyes. "Huh? What was that?.. well, whatever!" It was kinda strange but Daniel didn't really care, he had been long enough on the internet to get used to weird things. Then he got tired and yawned as he thought "I should go to bed now, won't be big deal if I skip classes tomorrow, for now I just wanna sleep...". Daniel turned off his Computer, quickly changed clothes to his pyjama and hopping into his bed while yelling "Off you go to bed!". It didn't take long and Daniel fell asleep deeply...