Maybe he should’ve felt more attracted to the woman, seeing as how beautiful she looked even under such conditions. No - he was attracted to her, but there were always higher priorities. Now it was just the two of them and this was his territory. He was quite sure she thought about it, considering she wasn’t the one to initiate interaction like before. He moved in front of her, debating whether or not to move those few stray strands out of her hair. In the end, he didn’t do it. Instead he went further into the room, swiftly opening the far end drawer and taking a towel out of it. Those moments passed in silence. Aleks didn’t say anything as he returned to stand in front of the woman, gently putting a towel over her head. It covered her eyes for a moment and he used that to circle around her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Your coat, lady.” He waited until she moved just enough for him to take the heavy, soaked piece of clothing and put it away. It was a relief that she didn’t attack him right there. Maybe she did hear his bluff about cameras and was careful about it. [i]Good...[/i] And, having the opportunity, he deliberately positioned the coat over his hands in a way that he could feel if there was anything in her pockets. It didn’t seem so. Turning back to the woman, he finally opened his mouth. “Since I am being a polite host, you could at least introduce yourself.” He wouldn’t ask for her intentions straight away, because that was a prescription for a completely different kind of reaction. Those who liked to be in charge hated being interrogated. So, his best bet was to start with a few friendly sentences and then build from that. “I’d presume you know who I am, but since you were so blunt about assaulting me… I get the feeling that you don’t. My name is Aleksei Titov. Rings any bells?” She wasn’t from around here, that much was certain, but at least he could check to see how much she knew about the food chain here.