Anne woke up suddenly to her alarm clock, showing she was late for school by the time. "Crap! I didn't set it right last night..." she mumbled before rushing around to do her daily routine of getting ready for school. Bathe, brush her hair, get dressed, dry it off, all of that stuff. She grabbed a piece of toast before rushing on her way to school. Nothing interesting happens at her own house, since she lives alone. School was her 'get-away' from the world, at least to her. Most people would much rather stay at home than go. She could just about see the entrance to the school now, her having ran all the way. She was out of breath, so she rested near a oak tree. That was around the time that her phone vibrated, meaning she had got a text. "Huh?", she mumbled before flipping out her phone and seeing the text labelled 'Calling'. She pondered on if she should open the text, before being called in by a teacher on patrol. She quickly read the message and sent a reply saying 'Sure.' before seeing the text delete. 'Did I press delete by accident?' she wondered before closing her phone and rushing inside the school.