Work in progress for the Big baddie Ball the Necromancer [b][u]- The Big Bad Character Sheet -[/b][/u] [b]-Name/Aliases-[/b] Baal The Ender of Days The Black Mountain Born The Necromancer of Olc Cairn [b]-Sex-[/b] Male [b]-Age-[/b] Death and rebirth can make age hard to place, Baal seems to be in his mid thirties however [b]-Appearance-[/b] Baal has a ghostly form, he shifts around with a blue hue covering his skin in a specter like fashion. Wherever he treads the souls of those he has captured can be seen almost peeling off his skin like steam. [Hider=Picture][IMG][/IMG][/hider] [b]-Personality-[/b] No-body but his most loyal servants are allowed to see Baal and as such he has become quite an Enigma, even among his own followers. All that the world knows of this Necromancer is his cruelty. Remaining soulless and hidden away from the world, Baal intends to scar the world that was created for those who sent him to Iferann in the first place, he is not a forgiving soul to say the least. [b]-History-[/b] Baal was once a normal human being who tred upon the earth of Enduwin as any that walk there today, he was not a pure soul but he wasn't evil either. He had dedicated his life to the knowledge and adaptation of Magic and everything it enveloped. Being a simple human Baal was incapable of great magics and had to resort to small tricks and conjuring, something that never got the acclaim he thought he deserved for his dedication. It was true that in the field of Magic Baal was adept, he was capable of doing things most other so called wizards couldn't even comprehend, yet his power dwindled in the wake of more prominent forces of life. He quickly learnt the connection between life and magic, age and decay. Baal was cursed in his Human form to never hold the power he had always wished for, his life was too distant to the source of life, Farriga. His inspiration was crushed with his new realization. Baal continued with his life growing ever skeptical and envious of those who held more power than he did. Beasts of Myth to the very mayor of his town he began to slowly hate his own existence and by association everyone and everything else that reminded him of his inadequacies. It was at this point that Baal embraced the darker corners of his mind and took to enforcing his views and his beliefs on others, his party tricks turned to dangerous ruses and he began to stir things in the once quiet human realm. For his misgivings he was cast out, banished from the safety of civilization. [b]-Equipment-[/b] Baal doesn't carry any weapons as his knowledge of combat is little to non-existent. Being a spirit himself Baal has no need for sustenance and does not need to eat nor drink. [b]-Faction-[/b] Baal is his own, he has gathered quite the following. [b]-Magic-[/b] Baal is the first and only person to have escaped from the plane of Iferann, with his escape Baal has brought with him wrath and hatred. Being on a dead plane he has learnt the intricacies of life and the magics that had first created them from the ashes of Farriga. Baal is an immensely powerful being, he is capable of animating corpses do to his bidding, ones that will not tire and will not fall unless to catastrophic damage. Perhaps more prominently however, Baal has learnt the connection of life and death, the two sides of the coin as it were. As such he is capable of draining the life out of one vessel and into another, more often than not himself. Appearing as a ghostly Specter, Baal can float like the wind with the souls he has consumed visibly screaming in torment in his blue-white hue that trails his passage. [b]-Skills-[/b] Baal is a Necromancer he has little use for effective combat technique and much prefers to rely on his magic. As such he carries no weapons and has little knowledge of hand to hand combat. Being the only being to ever escape from Iferann Baal holds a certain sway when he wants to. He is incredibly intimidating and can crush the most endurant heart of even the most prominent heroes when the mood strikes him. Baal is aware that the only beings that can stand in his path are the gods, and they cannot reach the plane of Enduwin as he was so able to.