[i]I know that. I admit that...[/i] the thought popped into his mind as she spoke. For a single moment he spaced out, remembering a certain name from his past. It lingered in his mind for just a moment before he pushed it away. He was getting pretty interested in this woman, she talked like she was everywhere and seen everything. But in the end, a name left her red lips. Lilith. It echoed in his mind. Lilith. When someone calls you by a demon's name, you can be pretty sure that person is worth that name. He'll have to remember that there was probably a good reason he called her Lilith and not some other demon name. He could almost see the demonic resemblance as he inspected her figure. Demonically beautiful. If she was indeed the one from the newspapers, well... it was no surprise that she managed to seduce both men. But to be dressed like that while the temperature was like this - she must have had some similar intentions with Aleks. The thought flattered him just enough to boost his confidence and not make him over-confident. "No... Lilith," he answered as he took one more good look at her figure, before proceeding to lean on the same wall as before. "You are not supposed to know who I am." When compared to the people he worked for, he was indeed nothing but livestock. A piece in a much bigger complex game. And he was just one of the pawns. But life is not a game of chess. In life, even pawns can become kings - and kings can become livestock. "People live and people die. Any person, no matter how dangerous, can be killed. Therefore, I understand someone like you will not fear me, no matter what my life experience says." He did not know what someone like her was, but that doesn't mean he had to be direct about it. "On the other hand... The people I work for," He begun once again. "You may not be interested who they are as living beings, but their organization is an entity in its own realm." "Japan has Yakuza. China has Triads. Italy has Cosa Nostra. And we have Bratva. Money and power is all they care about and no fear exist in their kind. They were breed for war." Aleks intentionally used words that could describe dogs, it was really lucky that he knew what Lilith really disliked. "What I want to say is - getting you not to kill me was me doing you a big favor, because they wouldn't kill you in return. They would want you to fill in my place and the methods they would use... you wouldn't like them."