I'm bored. When I have free time I feel as if I don't have anything to do. SO I've returned to an old passion. I used to be addicted to RPing. I love to read so when I RP its like reading a book. You never know what the ending is going to be and if its interesting enough you are just as excited about the next chapter. I just want someone to RP with! I haven't RP'd in a while. SO I really just want to play an interesting game that keeps me wanting more. I'm interested in really anything besides fandoms. In my personal opinion my favorite part of an RP is creating your own beautiful world and writing a unique story based in that world. Fandoms just don't do it for me. Sorry. I'm up for really anything else; however, I do have some guidelines that I would like you to follow if you want to RP with me. 1. Everyone makes mistakes, it is a part of being human. Just please make sure I can understand what you are trying to say. Otherwise I'm stuck in the dark and I have no idea how to reply. I hate it when that happens. 2. Please be mindful that I have an extremely busy schedule so I won't be online constantly. I will post daily at the least. Also: Please don't just stop posting. Tell me if you aren't interested in the roleplay anymore. I will either let you go or we could create a different one. 3. I don't mind violence or gore. That is sometimes part of the RP. One thing I do mind is smut. I'm a shy person and I generally don't like to go into extreme detail. I'm okay as long as it doesn't get to be to much. Then I'll just ask to fade to black. In other words, don't go all 50 shades of grey on me. 4. I simply must have romance in almost all of my RP's. I'm just a sucker for that kinda stuff. 5. Please talk to me about any plot ideas you have! We all have beautiful minds on this site and you should use them! I will often suggest ideas to you either in game or through PM. I just love creating different twists and then playing them out with our characters. Sometimes those twists don't go exactly how its planned and it ends up as a surprise. Which is always the best part. 6. I'm a girl; therefore, my main character will always be a girl. I always double as both a girl and a guy. Both my characters always get the same amount of attention as the other. So I ask that you do the same. That is it on the guidelines. I'm really craving....anything really. I've done a lot of RPs ranging from petty high school drama (When I was younger) to gritty life problems. I love creating a story. SO...yeah. Have an awesome day! :D Pairings (Just random ones that I can think up): VampirexHuman VampriexShifter/Werewolf VampirexVampire Prince[ss]x Servant PrincessxPrince AngelxDemon AngelxHuman DemonxHuman Some plot lines that may be interesting to play (As I get ideas I will post them here): [hider=Lost Through Time] Old Souls have a bit of beauty to them only a trained eye can see. They have been reincarnated since their soul was born. They never remember any of their previous lives, but their intuition is uncanny. They go through life more enlightened than the New Souls around them. Sometimes they are visionaries that write the stories that will inspire millions. Other times they are genius scientists that in every lifetime will strive to think up the impossible. Then sometimes they are simply ordinary beings that live their small lives to inspire those around them. It is one of these seemingly ordinary Old Souls that an Angel fell in love with so long ago. It seems that this love is cursed, however, because every time the angel finds her she dies. Every time he makes her fall in love with him all over again this love is ripped from them... In the lifetime in which the RP focuses on she is a college student that studies Cinematography. She has a boyfriend, but he abuses her relentlessly and sometimes she wonders why she stays with him. Is it because she one day hopes that his personality will change and that the love he once held for her in high school will return? Or is it because this abuse only started after she got pregnant? The night she finally lets go of this hope is the night he nearly beats her to death in their small apartment. This occurs just days after she finally meets her angel. He is the friend that finds her in her apartment beaten and bloody. He is the person that will help her through the loss of everything: her first love, her unborn child, and also herself.[/hider] [hider=] Sometime after America took their independence from England a family of five was attacked by nameless creatures. They took every last drop of blood and only left two alive: a brother and a sister. These two they turned into the very monsters that had killed their family. For the next 238 years the two vampires lived like nomads. They never stayed in one place for more than five years and also waited until most died to return to these places. Every once in a while they would attend a college to ensure they stayed on top of their intelligence. This RP takes place in Los Angeles three years after they settled down. As a strict rule set forth by the older sister they shouldn't form any romantic relationships with humans. Doing so may harm the humans because of their overwhelming need for blood. Both break the rules in one way or another. Lasting relationships are made at this school. Surprisingly the sister meets someone that she can actually stand. They live together and are best friends. The brother, on the other hand, met someone as well and broke his sister's main rule. After they both find happiness will it be ripped away from them because of a careless mistake? (I know this one soudns a little...odd, but give it a chance? Its actually interesting once you get into it) [/hider]