The lead hunter told the party to stop. "can you feel that." He said as he looked at the other hunters. The other hunters nodded and one of them said "this feels like magic." The lead hunter smiled and said "so they think they can put us under a spell, that would explain how they got my brother to join them." The lead hunter then said "time to use our counter measures." All the hunters then pulled out these weird amulets and put them on, now they don't feel the emtions being sent out by Niesha. The lead hunter then signaled them to keep moving forward. Alex then said "We are wasting our time trying to be friendly with them, we should pick up our pace." Alex didn't have a problem with raising a blade to another human, but he would rather not raise his sword against someone who was once a close friend to him. "I hope my gut is wrong or we are in trouble" Alex muttered.