Bob had watched the entire fight. It was quite amazing. While he had planned some form of competition over the entirety of the group, he saw now that such an approach made little sense. Many of those gathered stood no chance of defeating the Wraith and thus winning the competition. In fact, many new fellows had appeared that did not even know of the competition he had created. In the confusion of faces and powers, no organised competition could be formed. Oh well. There was something quite fun in the sheer chaos caused by so many different factions. It seemed that they were, of course, devolving into two incredibly simple groups. "good" and "evil". The ilusions that had formed this gap between many of the universe's creatures. The robots had caused quite a ruckus. Two distinct factions, facing one another, the basis of this conflict. Most of the people, however, were joining the "good" side. This was far too simple and straight-forward, and if Bob didn't interfere, the Evil Robots would be wiped out. Esspecially the Kryptonian would be a problem, together with Doctor Fate and Raven. They were the main forces siding with "good" and there was no equivelant on the side of "evil". However, Bob wouldn't let such an uneven disposition stand, no. Smiling, he created a duplicate of himself, which teleported itself to the Combaticon Camp. "Hello, my fellow large robot friends. Well, I'm not a big robot. And we're not friends. But it's the thought that counts, right?" The Bob clone smiles, before clapping his hands and growing up to the size of a Combaticon. For extra measure, he turned his suit into an odd parody of Iron Man, bright pink with rainbows. However, for the sake of contrast, it's face is a skull constantly oozing blood from the eye sockets.The giant demon/sunshine robot/Bob thing looks at the nearest Combaticon. "Don't worry, I don't bite. Much. I'm here to make you poor fellows an offer." As Bob waited for the Combaticons to reply, he sent out his senses to investigate the two powerful forces fighting. One of them had a demonic feel to her, and was using powerful magic, a magical creature by nature. A dangerous opponent to be sure, she was inches away from blowing the entire forest the shreds. However, he opponent was the most interesting to Bob. It's soul was an artificial one, it's existence based upon the warping of reality caused by human belief. Human imagination was a powerful force, however Bob had met relatively few being born of it that were sentient to any great extent. However, this being was fully aware, at least as much so as Bob himself. A most interesting discovery. Bob would have to meet this fellow, after this fight had been resolved. Quickly, Bob's short attention span expired. He couldn't be interested in any one thing for any extent of time. There was that evil presence from before, Trigon. It was a powerful being, but it was purposefully limiting itself, which meant it had an important motive for being here. Beings that are so motivated are easily bent to one's will, and can be twisted to do any number of things. Based on Trigon's earlier defeat, Bob was confident he would be able to defeat the Demon God should the worst come to the worst.