For the first time since the two started interacting, the woman seemed to be genuinely peaceful. Not aggressive, not straightforward and not cunning. Most of her words actually seemed honest. He actually believed that things got complicated for her, which is why he almost took it as a given that she [i]was[/i] the murderer from the news. [i]So that’s how it is…[/i] a certain thought shone through all his other thoughts. He smirked as he listened to her mention the word "hearts". ”You are mistaken, my lily.” He passed through his hair with his hands. His smirk grew into a sadistic smile which made his gaze look far more menacing than usually, even more with his hair still pulled backwards. “I have a lot of hearts lying around.” Then he released his hair, which returned almost perfectly to its previous state. “But only one that you will never have.” He put his hand mockingly on his chest, this time his words were directed at her attempts to seduce him out. She was quite straightforward with her sentence, almost as if she wanted him to know she was a wanted murderer. She wanted him to have something to offer her – he could almost feel it. A key figure to his long anticipated plan finally showed her face. He was almost thankful for her coming into his life. But before getting ahead of himself, he needed to know more about her… heart obsession. “Tell me,” he spoke as he approached her, putting his hand softly on her knee. “Would you care to get that wet dress out of the way?” His hand moved slightly up as he pulled it back, only slightly pulling the dress along. He knew it was her intention to seduce him before, so he was just playing with her now. He smirked as he moved away and reformulated his question. “Would you care for a pair of dry clothes? You can stay for the night, we have a lot to talk about. And you can’t stay [i]wet[/i] for the whole night - or can you?” He almost felt bad for teasing her like that. Almost.