Excitement brought tingles to the back of Lilith’s neck as Aleks showed a more malicious side to his nature. [i]There’s the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. You look absolutely vicious.[/i] For the first time in decades, the fox spirit began to take interest in the human standing before her. She began to see Aleks as more than just someone to take advantage of. He seemed like a worthy adversary, or ally if they so arranged it, though of course he was far from being her equal. Lilith had yet to meet someone who could best her and that had eventually led her to believe that such a person simply didn't exist. As the young man continued to speak, he mocked her failure to seduce him. It irritated her a bit, but mostly she saw it as a challenge. Just because he wasn't groveling at her feet now didn't mean it was never going to happen. She considered the challenge accepted. She would have felt thrilled about the fact had he not at that very moment not only completely turn the table around, but he [i]touched[/i] her. She immediately glared at his hand as if it was some diseased insect and moved to slap it away, but it was gone before her arm made it halfway. Her posture remained alert even after he had backed away from her, as if she had suddenly remembered this man was not to be trusted. He had such an innocent, genuine smile on his face but his words were so derisive it made her grit her teeth. Her jaw remained tight as she responded, causing the words to come out in a near growl, “If we simply settled this deal I wouldn't need dry clothes. But if you must insist on being vague, indirect, and [i]childish[/i] then I suppose I have little choice but to accept.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she turned her head to the side and scoffed, “You’re very lucky I gave my word not to take your life.” Muttering under her breath quiet enough that she hoped he didn't hear, she added, “You are unbelievably frustrating…”