DOLL [b]Name:[/b] Hakuran [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance Hakuran can seem to be cold and calculating and this is completely true when she is focused on something. She gets bored easily though and when she does she will annoy anyone near her since it staves the boredom away. She isn't that easy to anger, but when she gets angry she will destroy whatever angered her at all costs. [b]Abilities:[/b] Hakuran is one of the least physically strong dolls, though she is still physically stronger than humans like all dolls. Her small frame makes her quite agile and makes her able to dodge quite a number of attacks. She makes up for her low physical strength by using her intelligence and her control over ice during her fights. Always trying to be a step ahead of her foes. She also prefers fighting enemies from afar by using the ice to fight for her. Only when there is no other choice will she fight close ranged, but while trying to get far away enough again. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=]Cold Fury[/url] [i](Don't mind the stuff besides the wand/sword)[/i] With the wand Hakuran can decrease the temperature around her and form ice that she can control. When she needs to fight in close range she can morph her wand into a sword. Everything the sword hits reduces in temperature and if the temperature is low enough the object can freeze where it is hit. Doing this reduces her ice control range though so she rarely uses it. Absorbing marionettes increases her ice control range and how well she can control it. [b]Misc:[/b] Her eyes glow very faintly when it is dark and make her able to see very well in the dark. DOLL MASTER [b]Name:[/b] Diego Grando [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Diego is quite ambitious and when he sets his eyes on something he will do everything to obtain it. If something doesn't interest him or seems boring to him he will act like it isn't there, this includes people. Diego is used to planning out the things he does and when something goes very wrong he has trouble adapting. He doesn't really care much about other people, but he will protect those that he sees as friends. [b]Backstory:[/b] Diego had quite a normal childhood. He grew up as an only child to 2 hardworking parents and they always had enough to be happy though Diego wanted more. In school he was one of the most popular guys and always had high grades. When Diego became 16 this lifestyle had become quite boring so in his free time he sought out more interesting and dangerous stuff. On one of his trips he discovered an underground fighting ring where people bet on which fighter wins. Joining the fighting ring Diego quickly started to learn how to fight against other people and begun to win a lot of his matches after the first few months. He earned a lot of money by betting on himself and winning most of his matches. When he finished school he often got hired as a bodyguard by some of the upper-class who often bet at the fighting ring. Thanks to this and his winnings from the fighting ring Diego doesn't have to worry about money that much and he is steadily climbing his way up the social ladder. [b]Skills:[/b] He has natural charisma and knows how to use it. He is quite smart and knows how to fight unarmed.