Lol I think I used to add 5 spoonfuls of sugar to my coffee back in the day, and it was over half milk. >.> And that is one of the sweetest things you've said/ done so far. <3 I feel honored and flattered. I'll be sure to give you my best. ^_^ And I'm sure it's not terrible, I really like and am impressed with how you write so even your worst is going to thrill me, I'm sure. EDIT: Your post was definitely not terrible. ^_^ EDIT 2: Good morning, Mr. Blue Eyes! <3 I hope you like the post, it was pretty fun to write. ^_^ Lilith is acting uncharacteristically childish, but foxes [i]do[/i] love their tricks, no matter how small. She's being oddly adorable but I wonder how long it'll last... :3