[b]Colony 257[/b] The Aviator smiles, and activates his holographic visor. "You bet!" He says "I've had a year of training for flying Zonanese craft, I thought I'd never get to use it since I got posted on Draco, but I kept using the simulator in my free time. I've always found the idea of not being neurally connected to your ship fascinating, and the sims for your craft were quite frankly the cheapest on the military market. I think I can get this off the ground." They entered the vessel, and the Aviator powered up the systems as if he was a pilot in the actual Zonanese military. His visor lit up with various symbols alien to the Hach, and the human had only a cursory knowledge of them. It was Abh writing, being translated directly from the markings of the controls. Sitting down in the pilot's chair, his hands danced gracefully and quickly over the controls, going through the minimal pre-flight checklist. After two minutes, he was done. "Huh, there's a Triarian fleet in orbit. That makes things a lot easier, we might be able to catch a lift from them." Said the Aviator, as the ship lifted off from the ground. "Yeah, provided they don't shoot at us instead." Said the Deca-Commander "They're definitely here to maintain social stability, they'll make sure nobody leaves. Then there's Ted, if they find out about him they'll kill us." Hearing his name, Ted piped up "Firing on us would be a breach of treaty, it would be an automatic declaration of war. We have to send a message to them." The Deca-Commander turned to the Hach, accidentally hitting the wall of the ship with what seemed to be an earring. "Would such a thing be acceptable?"