I've been told by a couple people they saw a guy who looked exactly like me on a couple occasions. Once, one of my English friends showed me this picture of a guy who did have an uncanny resemblance to me. I thought that was pretty funny. You wouldn't mistake us standing side by side, but if you were at a distance or the corner of your eye, I could see it. My favorite was a bit of a throwback from when I was a kid, I told my parents I had an identical twin Chinese brother named Ping who ran away to China at birth, which was so absurd it became a bit of a reoccurring joke at my expense over the years. Anyways, fast forward to the last summer Olympics and they are doing the diving event, and lo and behold, one of the Chinese divers, by some freaky coincidence, has a rather startling resemblance to me. Basically, if I were an Asian man, this guy would be me. I inadvertently created a self-fulfilling prophesy.