Kat had been fixing a bandage back over a burn on her side when he came in. She jumped a bit but dropped her shirt back over the bandage and looked at him. She wasn't entirely certain what to tell him. Without saying anything she walked closer to him but over to the wall as well, then she leaned against it and hugged herself. "I don't know much more than you do, but I imagine my memories hold some memory they don't want anyone knowing about, or want to know maybe. I don't know I don't remember how I lost my memories. Maybe they think you'll make me remember or something, I don't know. I've never seen you in my life I don't think and from what I can tell you don't know me." She gave a bit of a sigh. "No one seems to know me but the charming man you met, my brother. Or that's what he says. All I can confirm s he probably is my brother, and no one really knew me before the princess died and I was found washed up on the beach by the palace." Then she slid down to a sit. "I think I'm about 20 years old or so. But I don't even know that. Ever since I met my brother he's been trying to get me back and every time how he treats me is different. The first time he was nice, the second he challenged me, the third time he tortured me.. So how can I be his sister if he tortures me? Hell we must have really hated each other." She shook her head, feeling just as lost and helpless as him. She fought back tears, then quickly hid her face in her knees. Not having a memory was being rather hard on her it seemed. After a while of sitting on the floor she reached up and took his hand. "I heard what you did for me. How long you held out to stop them for going after me next." She smiled weakly looking up at him, pulling him gently to try and get him to sit with her. "Thank you.." She blushed a bit.