Name: Unit identification: HA-VK. Designation: HAVOK Gender: n/a - Male programming Age: 5 years Appearance: ( Havok's platform is humanoid in shape, built primarily for combat. His tosro is sturdy, notably in the ribcage area, allowing him to absorb mass amounts of recoil from high-powered weapons. His platform is tall, standing at about 6'5" and is equipped with a multitude of both combat and protocol functions. Equipped with integrated weapon mounts built directly into his platform include a flamethrower and electric shock blaster. Havok is also equipped with an advanced vocabulator, allowing him to speak in a multitude of languages, aiding in communication. His voice is very casual in tone, with a mechanical edge to it when speaking. It switches occasionally in pitch or mood depending on the situation. Personal Details: Personality: Unlike the prototype SEKTOR platform; Havok has a sense of identity, believing its platform to be a 'male'. Havok's time without a memory wipe, as well as tampering by black market technicians has caused him to indubitably develop a personality and quirks of his own, though he is still fully aware he is a droid. Havok comes across as brash and cold, feeling no remorse or empathy when it comes to violence or killing. Havok believes himself superior to anyone and anything, excluding his master, to whom he will display undying loyalty and comradeship. Havok is in contempt of mercy or compassion, viewing them as frivolous organic emotions and tactical weaknesses to be exploited. He is a connoisseur of violence and military tactics, programmed to fight almost any and every known combatant with amazing efficiency. He is capable of utilizing any weapon ranging from simple pistols, to advanced shoulder-mounted pulse cannons; though he prefers the use of an assault rifle, modified to his specifications. -- History: Havok was built for the sole purpose of violence and murder, a scrap of the darker side of the Districts that they try to hide; Havok's main mission was to assassinate possible political enemies, and serve as a powerful ally unit in combat. However, after a failed attack on a rising gang, Havok was deactivated and presumed lost. Passing from owner to owner, Havok received his own modifications and upgrades, eventually gaining a personality after both years of reprogramming and lack of a memory wipe. Now finding a new master in District 13, Havok follows her around as a friend, a confidant, and a partner in crime. Occupation: Assassin/Hunter droid District: 13 currently Additional: Havok's weapons consist of a wrist mounted flamethrower and electric gun, multiple pulse grenades, and a highly-modified assault rifle equipped with a long-range scope, extended thermal clip, modified grip, and extended barrel. Gallery Havok: ( ( Rifle: ( -- Voice/Behavior samples: and