Names: James and Mason Jamison Age: James and Mason are both 21, although James is older by a few minutes Appearance: [hider=Twins][B]James[/B] ( (couldn’t find just the picture on the internet for whatever reason, so I put the link of where I saw the picture. [B]Mason[/B] [img=][/hider] James is 6’1”, Mason is 6’0” Personal Details: James and Mason have lived what many would call a very privileged life. They are the sons of a prominent Politian in Ancora, and have lived in District Zero all their life. They were waited on hand and foot by servants, and got the best education possible in Ancorda. They attended the best parties, and were dressed in the best clothes. Everywhere they went, the two boys never separated. As both of them grew older and moved into high school, they still stayed together, but not as much. James continued to hang with the upscale crowd, whereas Mason started to hang with the “bad” crowd (the drinkers, smokers, etc.). They easily became the popular ones in both their small groups, mostly because they both threw the best parties, and had the best alcohols and drugs available. When they graduated high school, both of them had grown tired of living in the same, sheltered environment of the Zero District, and wanted to move out. After talking it over with their parents, who were very reluctant to let them go, the boys were able to move to District One, the safest district, aside from District Zero James tends to be the more responsible one of the two brothers. He is studious, hard-working, polite, respectful, a bit of a neat freak; all the “good kid” personality traits, really. Mason is more of the “bad boy.” He stays out later than James, drinks more than James; he smokes, and does drugs. Both are party people, although Mason likes to party more. They both share a pretty large flat, and there is a clear distinction on where each of them spends most of their time. Occupation: Both of them are college students. District: 1 Additional: Although James doesn’t know it yet, he has already started to form an addiction to a drug called “It.”