As the two walked towards the Infirmary, Meirin hoped that Grey knew where to go. She certainly didn't, since she still hasn't explored the entire college yet. She's only gone to and from her dorm to her Weaving class, and occasionally from her dorm to the dining hall or to some of her other classes. She certainly didn't know where she was right now. Grey asked her about her home, which made Meirin smile. [b]"I came from Djarkel, in the mountains. I was raised in a monastery after... Things happened. We didn't speak much, but when we did I have noticed that those of the monastery did not always sound like those who lived in Djarkel. But it didn't really matter to me; it was clear enough for communication. "[/b] Meirin wondered how they were doing back at home. She sent letters, but she never got a reply back. Not that she ever asked for them, she merely wanted to let her elders know how she's progressing. [b]"The monastery is based on the Mountain of Time, one of the mountains that surround Mount Sanguine. The monastery was to be a safe haven for travelers with no were else to go, as well as taking in the homeless and orphaned for a life of rigorous martial training. I moved in as a child, and have been training with them as soon as they felt that I could handle it, which was around seven or so years old. They not only taught me their arts, but also mannerism, respect, and morals. Of course, they also taught me that we all have our own paths, so it's not as though that I'm the prefect representation of who they are. If you ever went there, you might even say I'm something fo an oddball. But they are good people, if a bit boring. Despite their skills, they refused to go into war, and only use their power to help travelers head to the city. Occasionally we may accept whatever reward they are willing to give to us, but otherwise we do it simply because we have the power to do so."[/b] Meirin went on a monologue of her home, though she made the conscience choice to keep it mostly vague. Talking about it hit close to home, and would have poked some old wounds she was going to let heal. In hindsight, Meirin noticed how naive of the world she was. She only knew of her home, and barely knew of the college itself. Perhaps she would go out and learn more about Tiien after or even during her time at the college. Pick up some culture.