I'll put up a sheet for the siblings a little later, but here's Brandon for now. Name: Brandon Walker Age:16 Appearance: 185 pounds(I wanted to make him a bit thinner than I normally would considering the scaricity of food in the dark ages)60 %muscle 6'00 slim but muscular Black hair, slight facial stubble Green eyes Clear, slightly pale, complection Skills/abilities( totally flexible, let me know if something needs changed): Bow: Not having been able to afford one of the pricy muskets his family have always relied on bows. Which has always been fine with them. They believe more in the quet of a bow anyway, it means more food in the long run. Hunting: Years of relying on hunting as the only means of putting food on the table made it necessary that he take to heart the lessons learned by his parents and sister. Years of practice only refined those skills. Hand to hand: While not skilled in any fancy fighting styles his level headed approach to picking fights, and his higher than average pain tolerance, ensures he wins most of the fights he gets into. Charm. Years of talking to only his immediate family has left him as perhaps not the most charming of people, but having learned from observance while his sister traded for the goods they couldn't hunt taught him a thing or two about people. Having to take over that trade when his sister disappeared made him put those observations to the test, and taught him how to talk. While he may not be the most charming of people, he does have some skill in this area. Equipment: Bow: perhaps his most important possession. While his father taught him how to make one from scratch the one he has now has been passed down for generations, and was handed to him by his sister after their first successful hunt as a team, and he has a large psychological attachment to it. Canteen: essential to survival, especially during particularly long hunts. Knife: used to finish off a an animal,also he's not bad with it hand to hand Leather duster Psychological: His overall demeanor is laid back, goofy, gentle, and kind hearted.However, this can change very quickly if someone he feels responsible for is threatened. Then he turns into a raging bull of fury. It only passes when the threat is over. He's loyal to a fault. Though he never believed his sister had just decided to abandon her family one day,still, her disappearance hurt him deeply, especially with how much he looked up to her. This has made it near impossible for him to admire anyone else History: Brandon Walker and his siblings, Amy and Alex, lost their parents when they were young. The responsibility of raising them fell oh his sister, who was only a little older, Sarah at 15. Brandon was 10, Alex was 5, and Amy was 2. Despite the difficulty of feeding three mouths Sarah managed to feed them, and give them all the love she could. Her parents had taught her hunting, gathering, and tracking. Her parents had also begun to train Brandon in these skills as well and, when they could find someone to put an eye on Amy and Alex, she would take him out to hone his skills, but when they couldn't Brandon would watch them. The day Sarah disappeared he wasn't with her. Brandon was 13 when he had to take over breadwinning for his family. Three years passed by realitivly uneventfully. Brandon struggled to put food on the table, and give his siblings the same love his sister and parents would have. He started to teach his siblings the beginnings of hunting, and they were happy. Until one day when Amy became sick. At first Brandon hoped it was just a spring fever, but when she only got worse with time those hopes were dashed. He finally hired a healer with the meager savings he had from his trades, and she reluctantly told him his sister had yellow fever, a death sentence. The healer did give him one ray of hope however, there was a medicine his sister could take, though it was very expensive. Brandon knew the only way he could afford the medicine was by joining the militia. Reluctantly he left his family. Relationships: Amy and Alex Walker- older brother/parental figure though since he gets to see them far less than he would like, he at least can take comfort knowing Bjorne will look in on them, and that they have Alex's dog Scrap. He also takes comfort knowing that they can live more comfortably for his sacrifice, and tries to make the most of his visits. Melody Franquis- Close friend/ colleague he treats her a bit like a kid sister at times, but he finds her frustration and seriousness humorous Though he hasn't said it, when he first had to leave his siblings it hurt so much he couldn't breathe. He didn't know how he was going to survive in the militia, so far from home, and then he got put to work with melody. He feels very lucky to have made a friend, and because he cares for her he directs her protective nature toward her. Bjorne: he originally knew Bjorne through his dealings with the blacksmith, and brief polite conversations alone. However he soon came to know him to be reliable, and developed a friendship with him. His experience raising his siblings gave him the skill to converse on the simple level necessary to understand Bjorne. He also came to know him as one of the few he could trust with his siblings alone. When he went to join the militia he asked him to check in when he could, and was able to trust that with Bjorne keeping an eye on Amy and Alex at least no one would dare hurt them. ( I may make a CS for Mada)