Err...well you said they would have to be kidnapped right. Well, who did it? Was it some random bad guy that we don't know about yet? And much like you said, you figured that my character Elsa has lived in this beginning place her entire life, so I was going to have her start in the forest probably hunting for some food or something when the forest life all explodes from the sudden appearance by some of the characters. Would they all start there or all end up in different places? Where would they go to find the portals? Anyway, maybe that could be a quest in and of itself? And she would find him/her/them and having her trusty bow and arrow, and aiming it at them as she doesn't know them and so can't trust that they don't mean any harm. I dunno that's what I was thinking at least kind of for myself. If you want to add on or take some of what I might have given you as an idea by accident please feel free to take it.